A competition for alumni

ccademia Teatro alla Scala, in partnership with IPSIA of Monza (group leader), IPSIA Meroni of Lissone, Fondazione Luigi Clerici, AGIS Lombardia and the Bicocca Campus of the University of Milan – Riccardo Massa Department of Social Sciences for Education, offers the Advanced Specialization Course for Property Masters for the academic year 2015-2016.

A Property Master is a skilled artisan who works in a workshop or on stage to build stage props using such materials as wood, metal and textiles and positions them on stage during rehearsals and performances for use by the actors. Property Masters work in theatre, television and cinema.


Hands-on experience

Like all Accademia courses, the Property Master course has a strongly practical orientation. Students spend a total of 320 hours working as interns and a great deal of additional time in the workshop, acquiring full command of the various production processes.


The teaching staff comprises Teatro alla Scala professionals, instructors at the partner vocational institutes, and professors from the University of Milan Bicocca Campus, ensuring training of the highest level and quality.

Total training

In order to ensure that students receive full-spectrum training, the technical and practical exercises are complemented by classroom work to gain the background in history and the arts necessary for a professional career in the realm of the performing arts.


At the end of the course, IPSIA of Monza (vocational institute for industry and artisanship) will issue an Advanced Technical Specialization Certificate corresponding to level four of the European Union vocational training qualifications (85/368/EEC), the Region of Lombardy will issue a Certificate of Competencies, and the University of Milan Bicocca Campus will award 8 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). The top performing students will also receive a Certificate of Merit from Accademia Teatro alla Scala.

Details 2015/2016

October 30, 2015 to July 30, 2016 (total of 900 hours distributed among classroom work, practical exercises and internships).
Compulsory, from Monday to Friday, generally during the day, maximum of 8 hours per day. Some practical exercises or internship activities may take place in the evening or on Saturday.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must be 18 to 29 years old on the first day of the course and hold a high school diploma and a technical diploma from a vocational institute.
Preferential Factors for Admission
Diploma from a technical-industrial institute and/or vocational institute with a specialization in woodworking or metalworking, technical design or mechanical design; diploma from an arts lyceum and/or school of art; a manifest interest in the performing arts.
Selection process
Students are admitted to the course after passing a two-part entrance examination. The first part consists of a workshop exercise to assess manual skills; the second part consists of an interview to assess the candidate’s motivation, scholastic achievement and curriculum vitae. The entrance examination will take place from October 19th to the 23rd: the Teaching Office will notify all candidates at the end of the selection process. For further details, please read Point 6 of the Course Announcement, which can be downloaded by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page.
Location of courses
Accademia Teatro alla Scala | Teatro alla Scala | Teatro alla Scala Ansaldo Workshops | Partner Institutions | Fondazione Clerici facilities | IPSIA of Monza | IPSIA of Lissone.
An admissions fee of €80 (eighty euros) must be paid by direct debit or credit card. A course fee will be paid in installments exclusively via SDD (SEPA Direct Debit).
Application deadline
closed on October 9, 2015.
Application form not available at the moment