aula fundraising accademia executive master
Executive Master’s in sponsoring and fundraising for the arts

Want to learn more?


Recap 2024

Length and attendance
September 23 - October 5, 2024.
The attendance is mandatory, from 9 am to 6 pm.
Requisited for admission
- Legal age.
No previous experience in the field is required.


Deadline to apply: September 9, 2024 with an early bird discount within July 17.

How to apply
Register or login to the Academy enrollment platform at
Your email and the password you choose will become your login credentials [username and password] that can be used again for subsequent visits. You will also be asked to read the privacy notice.

After registering, enter the information requested for the specific applicant following the step-by-step. You will asked to download, sign, and attach the Terms & Conditions “Condizioni di contratto per la partecipazione". This step is necessary to proceed with the application process.

- The applicant’s valid identity document (identity card or passport);
- A detailed, signed CV ending as described into the announcement.

You will be asked to pay the fee directly online via credit/debit card or credit transfer. The payment must be made online directly through the enrollment platform (do not close the page before paying). A summary of entered data is generated at the end of the above steps.