Congratulations to Gianfranco Valentino, who has just signed an employment contract as stage electrician at Teatro alla Scala!
Gianfranco, a native of Bari, is one of the students who attended the course for Stage Electricians, a part of the Legalit-Ars project, which both promotes and provides training in the arts, crafts and trades associated with the performing arts to help young people stay on the right side of the law. The project has been developed by the Academy in partnership with Teatro Bellini (Catania), Teatro Massimo (Palermo), Teatro di San Carlo (Naples) and Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (Bari). Dating to 2013 and sponsored by the Italian National ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) plan “Security for Development” Convergence Objective 2007-2013, the project has been implemented in four theatres in southern Italy and is aimed at young people 18 to 25 years old. They are offered free courses where they can develop specific skills associated with the performing arts, and specifically training for a professional career as theatre tailors, stage electricians, stagehands, theatre makeup artists, hair stylists, property masters or stage photographers.
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