Workshop in production management




More than the 90% of the 2017- 2018 students is employed in the performing arts field within about a year from the graduation.



Throughout our network of cultural institutions, students have the unique opportunity to live the cultural offer of Milan.



The strong bond with La Scala gives our students the incredible opportunity to take part into a cultural institution known worldwide.



Theoretical and practical lectures in which the students exercise on case histories, best practices and role plays.



Students are constantly supervised and oriented by professional tutors during the coursework and the internships.



Students have the chance to intern 3 to 6 months into some of the most renowned cultural institutions of the world.



Thanks to international lecturers and experts from renowned cultural institutions, our students have the opportunity to learn the specificities of the Performing Arts sector on a global level..

Need more informations?

RECAP 2024-26

Program modules

Economia e Management

- Sostenibilità e controllo di gestione
- Management e innovazione per lo spettacolo dal vivo
- Risorse umane e organizzazione aziendale


- Teatro come modello di produzione
- Festival come modelli di produzione
- Orchestra management (intensivo)
- Tour management (intensivo)
- Dance management (intensivo)
- Organizzazione e logistica

Marketing e Comunicazione

- Marketing per le performing arts
- Comunicazione per le performing arts
- Field project in collaborazione con il Piccolo Teatro


- Fundraising e sponsorizzazioni per lo spettacolo dal vivo

Prospettive presenti e future

- Politiche culturali, community engagement e attività educative
- Approfondimento sugli Stati Uniti d’America
- Mercati emergenti


- Regolamentazione internazionale per lo spettacolo dal vivo
- Amministrazione artistica (intensivo)

Storia delle performing arts

- Storia della musica
- Storia della danza

Crescita professionale

- Team building e negoziazione
- Arti e mestieri nello spettacolo dal vivo

- Tommaso Abbiati, Head of Marketing and Fundraising at Accademia Teatro alla Scala
- Tommaso Agasisti, Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Deborah Agostino, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Davide Armati Battistelli, Stage Manager at Teatro alla Scala
- Michela Arnaboldi, Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Richard Baesley Maloney, Associate Professor, New York University, United States
- Axel Baisch, Managing Director at Hertie School of Government Berlin
- Umberto Bellodi, Head of Cultural Cooperation Department at Accademia Teatro alla Scala
- Paolo Belluso, Tour Manager
- Alberto Benedetto, Head of Production Management at Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d’Europa
- Alberto Bentoglio, Full Professor of History of Theater and Entertainment Organization and Economics at University degli Studi di Milano
- Paolo Besana, Head of Press Relations at Teatro alla Scala
- Lutgart Behiels, Vice President Marketing, Warner Classics and Erato
- Enzo Andrea Bignotti, Controller at Teatro alla Scala
- David Binder, Senior Executive Producer
- Paola Bisi, External Relations Manager at Accademia Teatro alla Scala
- Andrea Boggio, Professor of History and Social Sciences at Bryant University
- Andrea Boi, Stage Manager at Teatro alla Scala
- Alessandro Borchini, Head of Marketing and Communication at Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d’Europa
- Daniele Borniquez, Head of Music Department at Accademia Teatro alla Scala
- Alan Brown, Principal at WolfBrown
- Katherine E. Brown, Executive Director at New York City Ballet
- Tommaso Buganza, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Raffaella Cagliano, Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Francesca Campagna, General Director of the Center for Contemporary Opera
- Rita Cannata, Senior HR Consultant
- Amy Cassello, Interim Artistic DIrector, Brooklyn Academy of Music
- Maria De Rosa, Director of Production at Teatro alla Scala
- Serge Dorny, Superintedent at Bayerische Staatsoper
- Silvia Farina, Web and Social Media Manager at Teatro alla Scala
- Rossella Ferrari, Professor of China Studies, University of Wien
- Nadia Ferrigno, Director of Programming at Teatro alla Scala
- Marco Gambaro, Associate Professor of Media Economics and Economics of Comunication at University of Milano
- Francesco Giambrone, Chief Executive Officer at Teatro Massimo di Palermo
- Roberto Giovanardi, Senior Artistic Consultant - Andrew Higgins, Director of Development
at Imperial War Museums
- Lucio Lamberti, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Lanfranco Li Cauli, Head of Marketing and Fundraising at Teatro alla Scala
- Claudio Longhi, General Director at Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa
- Franco Malgrande, Chief Technical Officier at Teatro alla Scala
- Peter Maniura, Director of IMZ Academy and Senior COmmunication Consultant
- Marianna Martinoni, Senior Consultant in Fundraising
- Dominique Meyer, CEO and Artstic Director at Teatro alla Scala
- Andrea Minetto, Cultural Project Manager
- Kirsten Munro, Adjunt Professor at Columbia University and Director of Development at Baryshnikov Arts
- Adelechiara Nicoletti, Senior Manager International Marketing & Artists' Brand Development, Warner Classics
- Giuliano Noci, Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Elena Park, Executive Producer, Radio & Supervising Producer, Live in HD at the Metropolitan Opera
- Elena Paul, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
- Nicholas Payne, Opera Europa
- Ronald Perlwitz, Head of Music Program for the Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority
- Paolo Petrocelli, Head of Dubai Opera
- Gianluca Pojaghi, Partner of Pojaghi Law Firm
- Jorge Prendas, Director of the Educational Program at Casa da Música
- Fabio Sartorelli, Professor at the "G. Verdi" Conservatory in Milan
- Amanda Saunders, Director of Development at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden
- Christina Scheppelmann, General Director at Seattle Opera - Marc Scorca, President/ CEO, Opera America
- Jordi Sellas i Ferrés, Senior Marketing Consultant
- Carmen Spiazzi, Head of Administration at Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d’Europa
- Alain Surrans, General Director at Angers Nantes Opera
- Andrea Tober, Vice-Rector at the Hanns Eisler University of Music
- Carlo Torresani, Director of Cultural Promotion at Teatro alla Scala
- Ilias Tzepetonidis, Casting Director and Artistic Area Coordinator at Teatro S. Carlo
- Roberto Verganti, Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano - School of Management
- Karsten Witt, Founder of the Karsten Witt Musik Management
- Flora Yu, Executive Director at Hong Kong Arts Festival
Length and attendance
From November 2024 to July 2026.
The attendance is mandatory and full time.
Admission requisites
The age limit for admission to the Master is 35 years old.

- Candidates with a B.A. or equivalent who wish to pursue a career in the performing arts or cultural sector;
- candidates with formal music, arts or dance education who wish to acquire managerial and organizational skills;
- candidates without a formal degree who have a minimum of 3 to 5 years working experience in any field and wish to pursue a career change.

General knowledge of the non-profit sector would be advantageous.

English is mandatory (Upper intermediate or above); a fair knowledge of Italian is required as well. English and Italian prep courses will be available on requiest (not included in the tuition fee).
Application deadlines and selection rounds
Due to the large number of applicants, early applications are strongly encouraged. The admission is rolling basis.

Deadlines for application and selections' rounds 2024:
- 13rd February → 21st February
• 7th March → 19th March
• 23rd April → 30th April
• 21st May → 29th May
• 11th June → 18th June
• 8th July → 15th July
• 17th September → 24th September
• 1st October → 8th October
There are some scholarships available for Italian and International students.
The announcement will be published here when available.

- Scholarship "Spina", clic here for further informations.
- Scholarship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, clic here for further informations.

Deadline for EU citizens: October 1, 2024

Deadline for Extra-EU citizens: September 17, 2024

How to apply

Click on "Apply now" and follow all the instructions.

Please note that you will have to attach:
  • your cv;
  • motivation letter;
  • 2 recomendation letters;
  • passport;
  • certification of studies;
  • proof of payment of the application fee (€ 100);
  • English certificate.